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Fast Facts & Data

Household Income

  • Black households represent 44% of those making under $20K per year and 19% of those making over $50K per year. (US Census Bureau, 2011-2015 five-year estimates)
  • White households represent 19% of those making under $20K per year and 47% of those making over $50K per year. (US Census Bureau, 2011-2015 five-year estimates)
  • The average per-capita income in Buncombe County is $15,535 for Blacks and $28,480 for Whites. (US Census Bureau, 2011-2015 five-year estimates, Poverty Level 2015 for comparison)
  • The median household income in Buncombe County is $26,065 for Blacks and $46,805 for Whites. (US Census Bureau, 2011-2015 five-year estimates, Poverty Level 2015 for comparison).


  • In Buncombe County, the average monthly earnings are $2,324 for Blacks and $3,459 for Whites. For new hires, the average monthly earnings are $1,690 for Blacks and $2,133 for Whites. (US Census Bureau, unadjusted for inflation)
  • In Buncombe County, the United States Census identified 858 Black-owned firms and 26,122 White-owned firms. The percentage of the population that owns a business is 7.2% for Blacks and 14.2% for Whites. (US Census Bureau, 2012)
  • In Buncombe County, the Black-owned businesses average $40K in annual sales, compared to $400K for White-owned businesses. (US Census Bureau, 2012)